The Walking Dead: Mid Season Finale? Why?! Are they Cleaning up the Fish Tanks?

I know, right?!
Ugh.  One week later and I still can barely bring myself to blog about The Walking Dead.  WTF is up with a mid-season finale?  I HATE that.  WHAT am I supposed to watch NOW?  And when it comes back in February, it'll seem reallyyyyyy short since it'll only be 8 episodes.  Do they not know my life revolves around them and their walkers?!

<---And by the way - I totally ganked this from searching Mid Season Finale and coming upon this page on Tumblr.

Watching this shit is better than American Idol!
OK - let's get this show on the road.  The Governor.  What is my PROBLEM with this guy?  I can't help but LOVE HIM.  And he's DISGUSTING!! Heads in fishtanks?  His daughter in the closet?  WHO keeps his walker-daughter in the closet, in chains with a bag over her head?  Seriously.  And he thinks he's being humane?  Dude.  That's NOT your daughter.  So let the poor thing go.

THAT is what I love about this show.  It's so powerful.  It makes you think.  It's controversial.  What would any of us do in that situation?  Like, when Carl shot his mom, who wasn't really his mom, but a soon-to-be walker.  What a horrible decision to have to make!

OK I'm being wayyyyy too let's move on.  ("Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep.")

Exactly how do you
brine those chops?
Andrea.  Girlfriend KNOWS that strange things are afoot at the Circle K...and yet she continues to skulk around, aimlessly...enjoying her newfound calm.  And you know what?  You'd better BELIEVE my ass would be doing the EXACT same thing!  I'd be all "Ohhhh...things seem a bit odd...but no one's killing me and the Governor's pork chops are so tender" (in more ways than one.)  Why look a gifthorse in the mouth...even when the gifthorse is sooo not on the up-and-up.  That's what I'd be thinking.

And Michonne.  Ooooh are in TROUBLE now!  You killed the Governor's dead-walker-zombie-daughter!  And you unleashed his teeth-chomping heads!  If the Governor doesn't get you, the walkers will!  Talk about a foot in both worlds!

OK so a few things...

  • Glen and Maggie.  Glad they're free but WOW did Daryl pay the price.  Do we think Andrea is going to step up and do the right thing on his behalf?
  • Those new people?  Who the frig are they?  Get out, y'all!  Go find your own prison full of rotting zombie corpses!  We called dibs on this one!
Shall I shoot you?  Or maybe you'd like
me to use my weird wrist knife, instead?
  • Merle.  Now that they hate him, he's going to be living with us again over at the jail.  What kind of nasty-ass shiz is he going to be pulling over there?  NOT a good situation...but tasty as hell as storylines go. 
That's it for now.  I have to go cry some more about having NOTHING to watch tonight!!! 

Boardwalk Empire Finale: Two Pineys and a Broke Down Car

WOW.  I don't even know what to say.  My first thought:  Is Gillian (Jimmy's mother) dead?  Was that a lethal dose of...whatever it was?  Heroin, perhaps?  I don't know if she'll be back next season or not!  I loathe her character...but I love what she does for the show.  She is a vixen of epic proportions.  And you know who else is a bit of a vixen?  Kelly MacDonala, aka Margaret Thompson.  Oooh!  Did you see the way she walked her ass away from Nucky and said "Yes it is!" when he said it wasn't about the money?  That girl has some serious cajones...and  that show wouldn't be the same without her!

How TREMENDOUS was that scene with Rosetti and Gillian?  MAN I wish she was able to kill him.  I said all week "Red's going to kill Rosetti".  But no can do.  We had to hear him sing that ridiculous song on the beach, instead.  WHAT a dumbass.  Didn't he know he was about to bite it?  Actually...something tells me he did.  Although honestly...I didn't feel that death was good enough for him.  I wanted suffering and lots more pain.  He may be the meanest character I've ever encountered.  Seriously.  WHAT a sociopath. 

Moving on...I loved the relationship between Nucky and Eli in this episode.  They were like two brothers again...from times before they got involved in running the town.  I almost wouldn't have been surprised if they had gone fishing, barefoot, with overalls on.  OK maybe that's a stretch...but you get my point. 

HOW much do we all now love Chalkie White?!  I can't wait for next season.  You know his new club is going to be a nice-sized chunk of the season.  Definitely looking forward to watching him boss people around.  

IT was amazing when Nucky set up Arnold Rothstein.  Positively genius.  When we realized he was going to give him 99% of Overholt, I turned to my husband and said "Do you think he made the agreement with Andrew Mellon, knowing he might one day need to use Overholt to get out of a bad situation with Rothstein?"  LITTLE did I know he and Mellon were PURPOSELY setting Rothstein up!  And I am an IDIOT because that's what their first conversation was about.  Oooh this SHOW!  It's getting harder to keep up with than Game of Thrones!!! 

And poor Richard Harrow!  He just left Tommy with his gal pal!  What's that all about?  He'd BETTER be back next season and he'd BETTER be gettin' busy with her because I loved them together!  It's about time that poor soul found love.  And her mean-assed father better NOT give him a hard time.  I think he's going to be really happy now that he has another little boy to raise.  Cross your fingers.  (Ooooh - bad thought - Richard dropped the kid off THERE?  The father drinks like a fiend.  Hmmm.  That might cause a problem.) 

Lastly - has this show canonized Al Capone, or what?  I can't help that I LOVE HIM!  It's terrible!  They humanized him early on by showing us his relationship with this hearing impaired son...and then they made him save the day by saving Nucky.  So you KNOW next year he's going to be making Nucky kiss is Chicago ass.  I wonder if the series will culminate with Nucky gettin' whacked by Al's guys.  Wouldn't be a stretch. 

Can't wait for Season 4!

Once Upon a Time: Hook, Line and Stinker

You know what's so funny?  The Queen can be so Fran Dresher sometimes.  She just...sounds like her.  Or a less New York version of her. 

I love this newfound kindship between the queen and Rumple.  They're both so...congenial.  It's refreshing!

Whoa!  We're in Rumple's cell and what a creepfest it is!  EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA...eeek!  I guess he needed something to pass the time.  No seriously - waiting patiently while hubby fast forwards the commercials to find out. 

OH my god this show is so friggin confusing.  Portals and powers and magic, oh my.  Ooooh quite a showdown between Emma, Snow, Hook and Cora!  And how about hook giving Aurora's heart back to Mulan?  That was pretty sweet, even though he's a complete douche.  Damn, though!  Why does he have to be such a hot douche?? 

Oooh SNAP!  Emma and Snow just jumped into the portal!  Is this the mid-season finale?  (WTF came up with that stupid term, by the way?) 

OK - it's over.  And I am anNOYED.  WHY didn't they invite Regina to dinner at Granny's diner??  That is SO rude.  Henry's a little shit and his grandpop, Charming is a little pissant!  She helped them BIG time; they should forgive her and let her into their circle. 

(Remind me I bitched about this in January when she's being a complete beotch and I'm ranting about how much I hate her.)  ;) 

Vampire Diaries: Elena, You Ignorant Slut

Nice family portrait.
Who is she doing this week? 
LOL The Vampire Diaries has become a fun event in my house every Thursday night.  When I asked my husband if Matt graduated yet, he turned to me, deadpan...and said:

"They never graduate in Mystic Falls".

OK so I'm going to totally sound like Creepy Old Chick for saying this...but is Jeremy ridiculously hot or what?  Dude...he's Steve McQueen's grandson.  Does it get much cooler than that?, it does not.

Awww's Stefan at the hospital.  I made a prediction lsat week and I'm sticking with it:  Stefan is going to hook up with the doctor on the show...because she's his WIFE in "real life". about him making convicts into vamps?  That's kindof interesting!

OK - after watching...I can say...with all my heart...that Elena is a pain in the ASS.  "Me! Me! Me!  And even more Me!"  God she is SO annoying.  She could not care LESS about anyone but herself!

COMMA HOWEVER....I LOVED the sire angle.  It made me not hate Elena quite so much.  I was livid with her for dumping Stefan - moving into  HIS house - making him leave said house - and then DOING Damon AT the aforementioned house...that Stefan owns.  BUT - if she's sired to Damon?  It makes MUCH more sense...and I can live with it.

And speaking of about THIS:

"Let's not pretend that this isn't the best day of your life."

Oh my GOD...I LOVE Rudedog Stefan!!!!!  Elena should break up with him more often.

I'll end this post with one of my favorite Obnoxious Stefan scenes, reminiscent of Danny and Sandy, chatting on the track field...

Once Upon a Time: Fanning the Flames

Oooh SNAP!!  I'm 10 minutes in and already it's scrumptious!  Just listen to these quotes:

"Oh yeah, princess.  You're goin' back to sleep."

Queen: "Who is she?"
Henry: "Your mother."

"Condiments are this world's most powerful magic."  ~ Mr. Gold

So the queen and Mr. Gold are bitching at each other and poor Belle is sitting there, waiting to eat her first-ever cheeseburger...before it gets cold.  Geez, how rude they are!

OMG everyone's getting burned in the room-o-flames!  It's like Nightmare on Elm Street!  Poor Johnny Depp is going to get sucked into the bed soon if they don't figure out WTF is going on with Aurora!!!

Holy shit!  Snow speaks crow!!!

Boardwalk Empire: Not Lucky Nucky

How much do you love Chalkie? Aren't you so glad he's going to get his club? I smell a Season 4 storyline!

Nucky's at rock bottom right about now. I like how he took the bull by the horns when he thought his nephew was in trouble...and marched his ass outside...only to see Al Capone show up with the African American cavalry.
 That - in a word - ruled.

Oh my lord would SOMEBODY kill Jimmy's mother already? She is SUCH a ho. And I'm not even talking about her profession! What a bitch!!! She is going to miss Richard when he takes off with Junior (thanks to Shannon for that theory!) And speaking of Richard, can they please let him take that god-awful prosthetic face off and kiss his new woman? He is beautiful - disfigurement and all.

Walking Dead: Midseason WHAT?

OMG Michonne is kick ASS!! I have been hot/cold on her...but now I love her. She blended in with the group immediately! It's like she's been with them the whole time! Happy Cop Rick better not screw things up and piss her off...or worse yet, kick her out! Although NONE of them might be around after next week when they storm Governor's Stepford's Bastille.

And speaking of next week...WHAT is with the "mid season finale"??? WTF?? I am new to this Walking Dead I didn't have to deal with a break last season.  And it's not coming back until "sometime in 2013? WHAT?! January? December? WHEN?!?

PS - I really thought Glen was going to bite it. Talk about a nail-biter!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Not on My Watch: The Smoking Gun?

SPOILER ALERT:  I am starting Chapter 7 in Not on My Watch by JC Bodden. 

Things are heating up.  And I don't mean between Dev and Ellie.  Although not for lack of trying, on her part.  Lorddddddddd that woman is a maneater!  I could have used some lessons from her when I was young and single.  She's quite sure of herself, no?  Dang.

So they just found out the bullet from the gun that was used to kill Bobby Earl Davenport (three names; never good) came from a police revolver - and they think it was Devlin's.  And my gut tells me they're going to find out it was Devlin's.  The guy (the real guy, not Bobby Earl, duh) has been in and out of his's not odd that he'd have been able to steal his gun and replace it.

And how about sassy-ass Jennie!  Damn, girl!  I know you're upset about your kidnapped son and all...but show some manners, lass.  I know the maneater is standing there in her Oscar gown and making you feel enormously inferior in the hottie department...but Devlin didn't raise you to be a little snotty pants!  So pipe down.

And Joe...lordddddddd Joe.  Did you not feel terrible for him when they were listening in on the kidnapper phonecall and he had no idea what was being said...about his own son!  Horrible!  I still love Joe the most out of all the characters.  Hopefully JC will write us a book that begins with the night Jennie and Joe got home from her kidnapping...and ends with the birth of the twins.  I'm sure something criminal happened during those know, so she can throw in a little bit of drama.  I always enjoy a little mystery with my romance.

OK...back to the book.  I have to catch up to Tom; he's at 49% and I'm at 30%.  Today he said to me, "What's up for tonight?  In the mood for a little JC?"  (insert massive giggles here)

PS - I can't help but see Elliot as Liz Cho.  Looking forward to hearing JC's opinion.  I can almost hear the laughing all the way from my house in NJ.  ;)

The Walking Dead: Listen! Do You Smell Something?

Holy crap.  Did you see Sunday's Walking Dead?  Michonne is brills.  How about her moseying around, wearing walker entrails and fitting in with the crowd?  I'll be she's got that...ummm...not-so-fresh-feeling.  I can't WAIT to see how she's going to convince Rick to let her in.  It's not like she can speak up and say "Hey Rick, let me in!" with all those walkers all over her.

This show amazes me every week.  I was absolutely IN SHOCK when Lori died.  I mean, REALLY?!  I was sitting there saying "Oh please...she's not going to die.  Vet Doc will come in, stitch her up, give her an antibiotic that poor Glenn stole from the local pharmacy (since he seems to be the only one who ever goes for supplies) and she'll be good as new!"  I was half paying attention when she and Carl were saying their goodbyes, because I truly thought it would never happen.  And then...BAM!  Carl's putting her down like a deer in Allegheny, PA the Monday after Thanksgiving!  It was a complete FREAKSHOW.  I am still open-mouthed about that one.

Poor Rick.  He's damn gone lost his mind.  Everyone's calling him up on the telephono, talking to him all nice and proper...when really they're dead as doornails.  Thank God he shook it off and went out and actually held the baby.  He needs to move ON.  Lori was a bit of a beotch anyway, was she not?

OK let's move on that hottie, The Governor.  WOW.  He's really rather hunky in his averageness, no?  I think I like him with Andrea, even though he's a freakydeak who brushes his daughter's hair (and probably eyeballs) clean off her head.  That is an explosive secret that is going to cause all kinds of mayhem, I'm sure.

And let me ask you a question --->  If you were Andrea, what would you have done?  Left with your close bud, Michonne?  Or stuck around and drank lattes with the bathed people?  Cuz I'm thinin' my answer is crystal clear:  Damn RIGHT I'd have stayed around in Walker Mayberrry!!!  I don't give a shit WHAT is going on behind the scenes...I'd be happy as a pig in shit.  Just close my eyes and pretend all this madness isn't going on right outside those tire walls (where naughty Andrea is clearly not allowed to frequent anymore.)

And how about poor Daryl?  He loves Carol.  I new her ass wasn't dead.  I have been waiting for weeks for those two to get together.  I hope she's not bitten; I like her too much to want to watch Merle shoot her in the eye with his crossbow.

Boardwalk Empire: ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?

Boardwalk Empire is walking the line in my house right now.  I don't know if I'd call it "jumping the shark"...although the fact that Chicago/New York seems to be overtaking Atlantic City gets on my last nerve sometimes.  (Although give me Nelson selling knives or Vodka any day!)  But is there some reason they are adverse to KEEPING EVERY SINGLE GOOD CHARACTER THEY'VE EVER CAST?!?

I don't effing get it.  First Jimmy Darmody.  I mean - the whole Boardwalk Empire-loving world ERUPTED when they killed this guy off.  He was the star of the show!  OK, to Nucky Thompson...whatever.  And here we all are...still licking our wounds...while that crazy assed BITCH who spawned him kills his doppelganger and passes him off as him to collect his inheritance...and what do they do?

The most gorgeous man with
half a face on the entire planet!

I mean are you SHITTING ME?!?  Owen Slater is one of the best characters on the show!!  If these morons kill off Jack Huston aka Richard Harrow aka "Half A Face" (I say that lovingly), I will stop watching on the spot.

Bottom line - Slater was AWESOME.  He kicked ASS.  (see below)  Although I did somewhat enjoy watching Margaret freak out because I can't stand her sometimes...which means I LOVE Kelly MacDonald; she's FABU!  She plays the character you hate to love!

Check out Owen being all badass with the adorable Richard.  If Richard goes...I GO!!!