SPOILER ALERT - It's Friday, September 28 in Hopeless.
SKY, you ignorant non-slut. HOW can you not realize that Holder is wondering if the rumors are true? Hell - make something up about the damned bracelet if you don't want to tell him the truth. But don't sit there and not tell him anything! Sheesh. You are such a ding dong sometimes.
All she had to do was say "I'll tell you later and no, it's not from a guy." Would that have been so hard? HE is as stubborn as YOU, you dumbass. GET in this game! I'M in the game...HOLDER is in the game...HILDY has FINISHED the game..and you, SKY, are just pussyfooting around (haven't you always wanted to use pussyfoot in a sentence?) and NOT getting in the damned game.
PS - What was with the grinding? I have one word for you: Chafed.
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Amazon Deal of the Day: On The Island
Hopeless or Clueless?

OK - Have to blog about this book again for some strange reason. Just got to a cute little scene where Holder walks into class after dropping out of school...and Sky knows she obviously talked him into going back.
If I were 17, I'd be completely clueless and wondering what's going on. But because I'm 4-...well...um...not 17, I know full well what's going on. Sky is judging the snot outta Holder...because she's heard rumors about him...when she's in no position to be judging anyone, since there are rumors galore about her non-slutty, slutty ass.
Maybe if she had TV and the internet, she'd be a little less clueless to the ways of the world. Just sayin'.
Meanwhile, what's with Mr. Hand being such a complete douche? I don't blame Holder for getting up and being confident. Perhaps he should have ordered a pizza.
PS - I love Breckin to pieces.
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Hoping Hopeless isn't Hopeless
SPOILER ALERT: I am starting chapter 2 in Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.
Oh boy. Started Hopeless
by Colleen Hoover. I am a chapter in - and realize I can't make much of a judgement...except...
It's somewhat fluffy and high schoolish so far. (Says the girl who got into blogging whilst reading Twilight.) To the point where I'm thinking "Oh please tell me all those great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads weren't from 17 year olds. (NOT that there's anything wrong with 17 year olds! I'm just further from 17 than I would like.) BUT - it's actually got a 17+ rating from Amazon...due to its adult nature!!
Lots of girl talk and sneaking boys in the window...and chatting with our over-protective, under-protective, home-schooling mom.
I'll keep you posted. Something tells me I'm going to be changing my tune real fast.
It's somewhat fluffy and high schoolish so far. (Says the girl who got into blogging whilst reading Twilight.) To the point where I'm thinking "Oh please tell me all those great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads weren't from 17 year olds. (NOT that there's anything wrong with 17 year olds! I'm just further from 17 than I would like.) BUT - it's actually got a 17+ rating from Amazon...due to its adult nature!!
Lots of girl talk and sneaking boys in the window...and chatting with our over-protective, under-protective, home-schooling mom.
I'll keep you posted. Something tells me I'm going to be changing my tune real fast.
Vampire Diaries: A Very Special Holiday Spectacular
OK - sitting here watching Vampire Diaries and thinking "HOW did I miss the fact that yet another show was NEW this week?!" Thank God for my DVR!!! I thought this AND American Horror story were on hiatus! SWEET!"
Oooh hot scene with Damon and Elenabeotch. He's adorable now that he's adorable. Although sometimes he looks like a drac from Enemy Mine. That forehead! I literally just heard myself say: "Whoa. Look at his Cro Magnon head."
OK...yada yada...Stefan and Klaus are bonding but not really...yada yada Caroline is mad that Tyler's going to encase his body in cement like Hoffa...yada yada gratuitous Steve McQueen tank top shot...YOWSA that kid is smokin'.
Nice move Jer! He almost had her!! Just a few micro seconds quicker with that knife and Elenabeotch would have gone DOWN!!!!
OH geez now Caroline is bitching at Stefan (what else is new?) to get Klaus' sword before Tyler-and-his-hybrids take him down.
UGH Winter Wonderland. Does Caroline EVER do ANYTHING but run fund-raisers and cotillions?!
Oh SHIT - Caroline and Klaus! Shhhh! Be right back! I can't talk when they're making nice nice together. Chills.
Sighhhhh. I'm back. I LOVE those two. "The suspense is terrible! I hope it will last."
OMG is it me or is this man-witch-non-witch a pain in the ASS? I don't like him at ALL. I don't think I'm supposed to, either...so maybe they'll kill him soon. He's like one of those stupid maenads from the Sookie Stackhouse novels aka True Blood.
ZZZZZ...this is the point in the ep where I get bored. Caroline is locked up with Stefan (lucky girl) and a bunch of hybrids. Witchy man just told Damon and Elenabeotch that they don't need Klaus' sword; they just have to dig up some dude named Silus (is it me or does that name sound indicative of a hawt fella?)
OK so Thursday, January 17th. That's when we find out WHAT kind of mental ass-whooping Stefan's going to give Elenabeotch when she gets back from the lake house. She's skippin' her non-sired ass home to him and he's gonna tell her to git GOING on her merry ass way. Oooooh I cannot TELL you how excited I am for that. (((claps hands like a 4 year old on a pony ride)))
And what's up with that cute little girl who actually really IS in high school? She is going to wake Rebecca which RULES because I love Rebecca and her misunderstood bitchiness.
And poor Tyler's mom. Geez - was she the LAST adult to go? Now it's just a bunch of teens running around...a la iCarly!
And we all knew that bitchy hybrid was going to sell Tyler out to Klaus. Frankly I was kindof happy as those whiny hybrids were getting on my last nerve.
OK I've waxed on enough for one evening. WHAT a great episode to stumble upon when I thought it wasn't even going to be new!!!
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Even my cro-magnon head is all sorts-a-hawt. |
OK...yada yada...Stefan and Klaus are bonding but not really...yada yada Caroline is mad that Tyler's going to encase his body in cement like Hoffa...yada yada gratuitous Steve McQueen tank top shot...YOWSA that kid is smokin'.
Nice move Jer! He almost had her!! Just a few micro seconds quicker with that knife and Elenabeotch would have gone DOWN!!!!
OH geez now Caroline is bitching at Stefan (what else is new?) to get Klaus' sword before Tyler-and-his-hybrids take him down.
UGH Winter Wonderland. Does Caroline EVER do ANYTHING but run fund-raisers and cotillions?!
Oh SHIT - Caroline and Klaus! Shhhh! Be right back! I can't talk when they're making nice nice together. Chills.
Sighhhhh. I'm back. I LOVE those two. "The suspense is terrible! I hope it will last."
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Is anyone NOT just counting the hours until they kill me off? |
ZZZZZ...this is the point in the ep where I get bored. Caroline is locked up with Stefan (lucky girl) and a bunch of hybrids. Witchy man just told Damon and Elenabeotch that they don't need Klaus' sword; they just have to dig up some dude named Silus (is it me or does that name sound indicative of a hawt fella?)
OK so Thursday, January 17th. That's when we find out WHAT kind of mental ass-whooping Stefan's going to give Elenabeotch when she gets back from the lake house. She's skippin' her non-sired ass home to him and he's gonna tell her to git GOING on her merry ass way. Oooooh I cannot TELL you how excited I am for that. (((claps hands like a 4 year old on a pony ride)))
And what's up with that cute little girl who actually really IS in high school? She is going to wake Rebecca which RULES because I love Rebecca and her misunderstood bitchiness.
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Awww shucks. I lasted a long time, no? |
And we all knew that bitchy hybrid was going to sell Tyler out to Klaus. Frankly I was kindof happy as those whiny hybrids were getting on my last nerve.
OK I've waxed on enough for one evening. WHAT a great episode to stumble upon when I thought it wasn't even going to be new!!!
The Walking Dead: Mid Season Finale? Why?! Are they Cleaning up the Fish Tanks?
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I know, right?! |
<---And by the way - I totally ganked this from searching Mid Season Finale and coming upon this page on Tumblr.
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Watching this shit is better than American Idol! |
THAT is what I love about this show. It's so powerful. It makes you think. It's controversial. What would any of us do in that situation? Like, when Carl shot his mom, who wasn't really his mom, but a soon-to-be walker. What a horrible decision to have to make!
OK I'm being wayyyyy too serious...so let's move on. ("Choke me in the shallow water before I get too deep.")
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Exactly how do you brine those chops? |
And Michonne. Ooooh girllll...you are in TROUBLE now! You killed the Governor's dead-walker-zombie-daughter! And you unleashed his teeth-chomping heads! If the Governor doesn't get you, the walkers will! Talk about a foot in both worlds!
OK so a few things...
- Glen and Maggie. Glad they're free but WOW did Daryl pay the price. Do we think Andrea is going to step up and do the right thing on his behalf?
- Those new people? Who the frig are they? Get out, y'all! Go find your own prison full of rotting zombie corpses! We called dibs on this one!
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Shall I shoot you? Or maybe you'd like me to use my weird wrist knife, instead? |
- Merle. Now that they hate him, he's going to be living with us again over at the jail. What kind of nasty-ass shiz is he going to be pulling over there? NOT a good situation...but tasty as hell as storylines go.
That's it for now. I have to go cry some more about having NOTHING to watch tonight!!!
Boardwalk Empire Finale: Two Pineys and a Broke Down Car
WOW. I don't even know what to say. My first thought: Is Gillian (Jimmy's mother) dead? Was that a lethal dose of...whatever it was? Heroin, perhaps? I don't know if she'll be back next season or not! I loathe her character...but I love what she does for the show. She is a vixen of epic proportions. And you know who else is a bit of a vixen? Kelly MacDonala, aka Margaret Thompson. Oooh! Did you see the way she walked her ass away from Nucky and said "Yes it is!" when he said it wasn't about the money? That girl has some serious cajones...and that show wouldn't be the same without her!
How TREMENDOUS was that scene with Rosetti and Gillian? MAN I wish she was able to kill him. I said all week "Red's going to kill Rosetti". But no can do. We had to hear him sing that ridiculous song on the beach, instead. WHAT a dumbass. Didn't he know he was about to bite it? Actually...something tells me he did. Although honestly...I didn't feel that death was good enough for him. I wanted suffering and lots more pain. He may be the meanest character I've ever encountered. Seriously. WHAT a sociopath.
Moving on...I loved the relationship between Nucky and Eli in this episode. They were like two brothers again...from times before they got involved in running the town. I almost wouldn't have been surprised if they had gone fishing, barefoot, with overalls on. OK maybe that's a stretch...but you get my point.
HOW much do we all now love Chalkie White?! I can't wait for next season. You know his new club is going to be a nice-sized chunk of the season. Definitely looking forward to watching him boss people around.
IT was amazing when Nucky set up Arnold Rothstein. Positively genius. When we realized he was going to give him 99% of Overholt, I turned to my husband and said "Do you think he made the agreement with Andrew Mellon, knowing he might one day need to use Overholt to get out of a bad situation with Rothstein?" LITTLE did I know he and Mellon were PURPOSELY setting Rothstein up! And I am an IDIOT because that's what their first conversation was about. Oooh this SHOW! It's getting harder to keep up with than Game of Thrones!!!
And poor Richard Harrow! He just left Tommy with his gal pal! What's that all about? He'd BETTER be back next season and he'd BETTER be gettin' busy with her because I loved them together! It's about time that poor soul found love. And her mean-assed father better NOT give him a hard time. I think he's going to be really happy now that he has another little boy to raise. Cross your fingers. (Ooooh - bad thought - Richard dropped the kid off THERE? The father drinks like a fiend. Hmmm. That might cause a problem.)
Lastly - has this show canonized Al Capone, or what? I can't help that I LOVE HIM! It's terrible! They humanized him early on by showing us his relationship with this hearing impaired son...and then they made him save the day by saving Nucky. So you KNOW next year he's going to be making Nucky kiss is Chicago ass. I wonder if the series will culminate with Nucky gettin' whacked by Al's guys. Wouldn't be a stretch.
Can't wait for Season 4!
Once Upon a Time: Hook, Line and Stinker
You know what's so funny? The Queen can be so Fran Dresher sometimes. She just...sounds like her. Or a less New York version of her.
I love this newfound kindship between the queen and Rumple. They're both so...congenial. It's refreshing!
Whoa! We're in Rumple's cell and what a creepfest it is! EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA...eeek! I guess he needed something to pass the time. No seriously - waiting patiently while hubby fast forwards the commercials to find out.
OH my god this show is so friggin confusing. Portals and powers and magic, oh my. Ooooh quite a showdown between Emma, Snow, Hook and Cora! And how about hook giving Aurora's heart back to Mulan? That was pretty sweet, even though he's a complete douche. Damn, though! Why does he have to be such a hot douche??
Oooh SNAP! Emma and Snow just jumped into the portal! Is this the mid-season finale? (WTF came up with that stupid term, by the way?)
OK - it's over. And I am anNOYED. WHY didn't they invite Regina to dinner at Granny's diner?? That is SO rude. Henry's a little shit and his grandpop, Charming is a little pissant! She helped them BIG time; they should forgive her and let her into their circle.
(Remind me I bitched about this in January when she's being a complete beotch and I'm ranting about how much I hate her.) ;)
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