I love this newfound kindship between the queen and Rumple. They're both so...congenial. It's refreshing!
Whoa! We're in Rumple's cell and what a creepfest it is! EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA EMMA...eeek! I guess he needed something to pass the time. No seriously - waiting patiently while hubby fast forwards the commercials to find out.
OH my god this show is so friggin confusing. Portals and powers and magic, oh my. Ooooh quite a showdown between Emma, Snow, Hook and Cora! And how about hook giving Aurora's heart back to Mulan? That was pretty sweet, even though he's a complete douche. Damn, though! Why does he have to be such a hot douche??
Oooh SNAP! Emma and Snow just jumped into the portal! Is this the mid-season finale? (WTF came up with that stupid term, by the way?)
OK - it's over. And I am anNOYED. WHY didn't they invite Regina to dinner at Granny's diner?? That is SO rude. Henry's a little shit and his grandpop, Charming is a little pissant! She helped them BIG time; they should forgive her and let her into their circle.
(Remind me I bitched about this in January when she's being a complete beotch and I'm ranting about how much I hate her.) ;)
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