Boardwalk Empire: Not Lucky Nucky

How much do you love Chalkie? Aren't you so glad he's going to get his club? I smell a Season 4 storyline!

Nucky's at rock bottom right about now. I like how he took the bull by the horns when he thought his nephew was in trouble...and marched his ass outside...only to see Al Capone show up with the African American cavalry.
 That - in a word - ruled.

Oh my lord would SOMEBODY kill Jimmy's mother already? She is SUCH a ho. And I'm not even talking about her profession! What a bitch!!! She is going to miss Richard when he takes off with Junior (thanks to Shannon for that theory!) And speaking of Richard, can they please let him take that god-awful prosthetic face off and kiss his new woman? He is beautiful - disfigurement and all.

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