Fifty Shades of HOLY CRAP she did NOT just SAY that!!!!

Smut Alert:  This article is not for everyone.  If you have a problem with smut and dirty words, what I am about to share is not for you.

If you don't mind smut, and enjoy some dirty words once in a while, especially coupled with Fifty Shades of Grey discussion, get your ass over to the Bitches Gotta Eat blog.  And strap yourself in for one hell of a hilarious, tears-running-down-your-cheeks, bumpy-assed ride.  I truly haven't laughed this hard in I can't TELL you how long.  Enjoy!


Clay said...

Wow... that was some funny shit right there...

Stacia said...

Funny stuff.

Purgatory Carol said...

I know, right?????? I was howling!

Purgatory Carol said...

SO funny. I love her! :)

Unknown said...

So Fuuny.... :-)
EL Jamess