Someone commented anonymously on my old A Discovery of Purgatory blog this morning and reminded me of my post about how I wanted Matthew Goode to play Matthew Clairmont. Um, squee??

This got me thinking...what about everyone else??

Has YOUR <insert character name here> every been played by the actor you wanted?!

TURN: Washington's Spies: Holy Woodhull

I can't remember the last time I saw a few minutes of TV this riveting. I couldn't look away. Hell, I couldn't BREATHE.


Carol and Tracey's PurgText Du Jour

So Tracey and I had a bit of an entertainment convo this AM via text. It's a visual likeness of one of our hour-long videos, in about 5 minutes or less. LOL I'm in blue, Tracey's in grey. Enjoy! 😘