Spoiler Alert: Do not read unless you've watched up through Episode 13 in Kurt Seyit ve Sura.
Dear God. What has Seyit done to me? I am a mess. I dream about him and Sura and all their trials and tribulations. (And Celil, too, because there is something delicious about him!) Are these people ever going to be free from turmoil? (Shhhh! Don't answer that! NO spoilers! The anticipation is half the fun of this show!)
You guys...I am seriously smitten with every second of this series. Not only that, I'm quickly becoming obsessed with thoughts of far off places like Crimea and Turkey...and I can't stop staring at Turkey on the My Origins page on FTDNA.
Feast thine eyes:
That's right, y'all. TWENTY ONE PERCENT!!!
When I told my dad, he was all "You have too much time on your hands!" because it means he's not 100% Italian American like he thought. LOL
And any of you who are going to throw a bunch of statistics at me about DNA testing and bogus results, just SAVE IT! I don't want to hear it. lalalalalalala :::fingers in ears::: I know. Whatever. Yada Yada. I am happy living here at 21 Turkishville and I'm not leaving for a long time, no matter what my DNA really says about me.
OK so here's the scoop on where I am. Seyit took Sura to Crimea because life was imploding in Petrograd (where jerky Petro lives) and her family had to leave their house in _______ (where did they live? I'm too afraid to Google.) OMG when she found out he was still alive and they were STAYING IN THE SAME HOTEL when he got back from the front??? Oh I almost lost my shiz and had to hightail it to the local hospital for friggin injections (of what, I'm not quite sure.) This show is the TASTIEST MORSEL I've had in a long, long time.
1) Jerky Petro is hot under that mustache.
2) Thank GOD they stopped dying Sura's eyebrows; she looks WAY better now with some roots.
3) Am I the only one who wants someone to hook adorable Nina up with cutie pie Osman??
4) One whole week in an uncomfortable, wooden box car with Seyit? WHERE DO I SIGN???
5) All those HOT BOOTS!!!
6) Mahmut is the smartest one in the family.
7) The Baroness is icky.
8) Seyit's dad needs to chillllll (a la Pauly Shore in the 80s. Someone needs to wheeze the ju-ice.)
9) Give me Seyit in a bath house any damn day of the week.
10) Seyit's fur collared coat is the hottest thing I've EVER seen.
10a) Did I say that coat? Because I also meant that BLACK TURTLENECK!!
OK that's it for me. In tonight's ep, Seyit and Celil will be heading to the farm to protect Meanie McSeyit's dad and they threw Sura and Celil's girlfriend (why can't I ever remember her name?) in the coach with Mahmut's wife, who is STILL bitching. "I don't want to go with them! Waaahhhh!" Listen, chickie, Mahmut is not only risking DYING to get YOUR ass out of Crimea, but he's also secretly LEAVING HIS FAMILY forever!! And seeing as Seyit has already cornered the market on THAT trick, you might want to PIPE DOWN and let the man get the job done, mmmkayyyy???
Stay tuned!!!
Oh and PS...you're welcome. Thanks to EM for the hot shot.